Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv became only the second team in the history of the Euroleague to complete the Top 16 stage with a 6-0 record. This after a 81-68 win vs Montepaschi in Siena. This was Maccabi's 8th win vs Siena in as many games.
In contrast to previous meetings, this was an easy win for Maccabi, especially in the second half. With the absence of the injured Vanterpool, Montepaschi did not look like the team who was so close to beat Maccabi in Tel Aviv. In spite of being dominated in the rebounds (51-34 to Siena) and with poor shooting for 2 pts ( 47%) and free throws (53.5%), Maccabi was in control with some excellent defense, 50% shooting for 3 pts & 16 assists.
Montepaschi led 19-18 at the end of the first period but at half time Maccabi took a 40-33 lead. At the end of the third the score read 63-47 and it was increased to 67-47. Thomas & Vujcic fouled out, the lead was cut to 77-68 and a three pointer by Sharp made the final score.
Anthony Parker was Maccabi's top player with 12 pts, 7 rbds & 5 stls.